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AVE MARIA - Christmas concert: Kateřina Englichová and Martina Kociánová 2022

Mon, 19 Dec



Christmas creations of European countries and traditional Czech carols. Martina Kociánová – mezzo-soprano and accompaniment, Kateřina Englichová – harp

AVE MARIA - Christmas concert: Kateřina Englichová and Martina Kociánová 2022
AVE MARIA - Christmas concert: Kateřina Englichová and Martina Kociánová 2022

Čas a místo

19 Dec 2022, 19:00

Pelhrimov, Svatovítské nám. 1962, 393 01 Pelhřimov, Czechia

O události

Kateřina Englichová is one of the outstanding personalities of European performing arts. Recipient of the Prague Classic Award 2018, Kateřina Englichová collaborated with important artists and ensembles, both abroad – Mstislav Rostropovič, Carol Wincenc, Gerard Causé, Cindy Phelps, Robert Davidovici, Michael Kofler, etc., and here – Josef Suk, Pavel Šporcl , Ivan Ženatý, Martin Kasík, Vilém Veverka, Škampa Quartet, Bennewitz Quartet, Pražák Quartet, Martinů Quartet, Pavel Haas Quartet, Mucha Quartet, Ensemble 18+, Ensemble Inégal, Prague Philharmonic Choir, Kuhn's Children's Choir, Boni Pueri etc.

In the fall of 2018, she was a member of the jury in the world's largest competition "Israel Harp Competition".

She has more than 40 CD recordings, in the spring of 2021 she recorded a solo album "Humoresque".

Martina Kociánová. If she were to write her work resume, two would have to be created. One that would chart her hosting career and one singing career. Originally, however, the mezzo-soprano and presenter chose the profession of historian. She studied this field, specifically history and museology, at the University of Silesia in Opava. At the same time, she also studied at the Ostrava Folk Conservatory.

She has guested at the Prague State Opera, at the Musical Theater in Karlín, at the South Bohemian Theater in České Budějovice, at the Municipal Theater of Karlovy Vary and regularly at the FX Šaldy Theater in Liberec.

She collaborated on joint projects with Kateřina Englichová, Lubomír Brabec, Jaroslav Svěceny and the Wihan Quartet.

He performs not only on domestic stages, but also in Germany, Austria, Japan and Cyprus. In his concert activity, he also devotes himself to children. The concert program "Serious" music doesn't have to be serious" tries to introduce young people to classical music and the personality of WAMozart.

More info about the concert here.

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